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Once data has synced into your app, you can read it from the local database. You have a choice of using the Prisma-inspired client API. Or you can just drop down to raw SQL.

Using the client

The client API supports both static and live queries. Queries are table-scoped. You can select columns, sort, filter and work with relations.

See API -> Typescript client for more details on the function API and supported arguments.

Static queries

Read data using the findUnique, findFirst and findMany functions.

For example, to get a project by unique ID:

const result = await db.projects.findUnique({
where: {
id: 'abcd'

Or to get all projects that have an 'active' status:

const result = await db.projects.findMany({
where: {
status: 'active'

Live queries

Register live queries using the liveUnique, liveFirst and liveMany functions.

Live queries work similarly to the static queries above, except that rather than returning results directly, they return a function that you can call (as many times as you like) to run / re-run the query.

const liveQuery = db.projects.liveMany({
where: {
status: 'active'
const { results } = await liveQuery()

The real payoff comes when these are used in tandem with a reactive component framework integration. For example, the following React component uses a liveMany query along with the useLiveQuery hook to bind live results to a React state variable:

const MyComponent = () => {
const { db } = useElectric()!
const { results } = useLiveQuery(
where: {
status: 'active'

// ...

See Reacting to writes for more information.

Select columns

Select specific columns using the select key:

select: {
id: true,
status: true

Sort and filter

Filter results using where:

where: {
status: 'active'

Where clauses support not, in and notIn operators:

where: {
id: {
not: 0,
in: [1, 2, 3],
notIn: [4, 5]

As well as lt, lte, gt and gte:

where: {
id: {
lt: 10,
lte: 9,
gt: 8,
gte: 9

startsWith, endsWith and contains:

where: {
name: {
startsWith: 'Electric',
endsWith: 'SQL',
contains: 'cS'

OR, AND and NOT:

where: {
OR: [
title: {
contains: 'foo',
title: 'bar',
AND: [
contents: 'content',
nbr: 6,
NOT: [
title: 'foobar',
title: 'barfoo',

Sort results using orderBy, either with single columns:

orderBy: {
id: 'desc'

Or multiple columns:

orderBy: [
priority: 'desc'
createdAt: 'asc'

Limit the number of results using take:

orderBy: {
createdAt: 'desc'
take: 10

Work with relations

Include a nested tree of relations using include:

include: {
issues: {
include: {
comments: {
include: {
author: true


If the higher-level client API doesn't support the SQL features that you need for your queries, you can drop down to raw SQL yourself using the raw and liveRaw functions.

To run a static query (or just execute SQL):

const projects = db.rawQuery({
sql: 'select * from projects where id = ?',
bindParams: ['abcd']

To run a live query that supports arbitrary SQL whilst still working automatically with the reactivity machinery to pick up on live changes:

const liveQuery = db.liveRawQuery({
sql: 'select * from projects where id = ?',
bindParams: ['abcd']
const { results } = liveQuery()

For example:

const MyComponent = () => {
const { db } = useElectric()!
const { results } = useLiveQuery(
sql: 'select * from projects where status = ?',
bindParams: ['active']

// ...