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ElectricSQL supports Expo via both expo-sqlite and expo-sqlite/next.


Add expo-sqlite as a dependency to your app, e.g.:

npx expo install expo-sqlite

This package includes both the regular and next drivers. See the expo-sqlite docs or expo-sqlite/next docs for more information.


Electric makes use of the Web Crypto API for UUID generation, which is not available in React Native environments by default. You can provide a polyfill for this to ensure UUID uniqueness guarantees, like react-native-get-random-values:

npm install react-native-get-random-values
npx pod-install # unnecessary if using Expo managed workflow

And in your app's entry point, like App.js the root-level _layout.js if using expo-router:

import 'react-native-get-random-values'
... other imports ...

export default App


import * as SQLite from 'expo-sqlite'
import { electrify } from 'electric-sql/expo'

// Create the expo-sqlite database connection. The first argument
// is your database name. Changing this will create/use a new
// local database file.
const conn = SQLite.openDatabase('electric.db')

You can now instantiate an Electric client for the database connection and use it to read, write and sync data, e.g.:

// Import your generated database schema.
import { schema } from './generated/client'

// Define custom configuration if needed
const config = { url: '' }

// Instantiate your electric client.
const electric = await electrify(conn, schema, config)

// Connect to Electric, passing along your authentication token
// See Usage -> Authentication for more details.
await electric.connect('your token')

const { db } = electric

const results = await db.projects.findMany()

See Usage -> Data access and Integrations -> Frontend for more information.